Miesto výkonu práce
Bratislavský kraj, Slovensko
Bratislava, Slovensko
Dátum nástupu
Dátum pridania ponuky
31. 1. 2025
Druh pracovného pomeru
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
Mzda (v hrubom)
od 1 800 €
do 2 400 € za mesiac
The salary depends on the candidates experience.
Počet voľných pracovných miest
Údaje o pracovnom mieste
Náplň práce
We are looking for a dynamic and motivated individual for the position of Specialist Brand Team/Expert/Lead. This role is crucial for supporting business partners and other departments in achieving the company’s and department’s goals.
Customer Focus
• Provide excellent service and a positive experience for HCPs.
• Take actions to meet expectations.
• Support meeting management and implementation for the assigned BU.
• Collaborate with the local Meeting Planning Company (MPC).
• Develop and manage relationships with internal partners.
• Provide on-site support for major external events to the Marketing/Sales team.
Business Planning and Operation
• Schedule and organize internal and external meetings, events, and trainings.
• Prepare materials for distribution and presentation at meetings.
• Prepare contracts and required documents; manage Anti-corruption and Due Diligence processes.
• Coordinate with external organizations and suppliers for meetings and events.
• Participate in meetings; prepare agendas and minutes.
• Schedule videoconferences and teleconferences.
• Maintain daily calendars for department members.
• Arrange travel and accommodation for team members; ensure compliance with travel policies.
Data Management and Measurement
• Analyze data to understand market trends, brand health, campaigns, and customer experience.
•Track key execution measures to inform business decisions.
Administrative Support
• Independently solve complex administrative problems.
• Provide support to brand team members.
• Create, edit, and proofread documents.
• Prepare correspondence and manage mailings.
• Prepare presentations, data analyses, and documentation.
• Maintain department files, databases, and spreadsheets.
• Manage shared information and post reports.
• Process invoices and coordinate transactions in SAP.
• Work with internal systems for data entry and reporting.
• Answer phone calls and direct requests.
• Participate in record retention efforts.
• Serve as backup for other administrative personnel.
Personnel Management / Compliance
• Complete all required trainings.
• Implement strategies to maximize job performance.
• Challenge the status quo and suggest alternatives.
• Develop and use interpersonal skills for self-development and confidence.
• Follow all policies, procedures, and regulations.
• Protect confidential information with integrity.
Customer Focus
• Provide excellent service and a positive experience for HCPs.
• Take actions to meet expectations.
• Support meeting management and implementation for the assigned BU.
• Collaborate with the local Meeting Planning Company (MPC).
• Develop and manage relationships with internal partners.
• Provide on-site support for major external events to the Marketing/Sales team.
Business Planning and Operation
• Schedule and organize internal and external meetings, events, and trainings.
• Prepare materials for distribution and presentation at meetings.
• Prepare contracts and required documents; manage Anti-corruption and Due Diligence processes.
• Coordinate with external organizations and suppliers for meetings and events.
• Participate in meetings; prepare agendas and minutes.
• Schedule videoconferences and teleconferences.
• Maintain daily calendars for department members.
• Arrange travel and accommodation for team members; ensure compliance with travel policies.
Data Management and Measurement
• Analyze data to understand market trends, brand health, campaigns, and customer experience.
•Track key execution measures to inform business decisions.
Administrative Support
• Independently solve complex administrative problems.
• Provide support to brand team members.
• Create, edit, and proofread documents.
• Prepare correspondence and manage mailings.
• Prepare presentations, data analyses, and documentation.
• Maintain department files, databases, and spreadsheets.
• Manage shared information and post reports.
• Process invoices and coordinate transactions in SAP.
• Work with internal systems for data entry and reporting.
• Answer phone calls and direct requests.
• Participate in record retention efforts.
• Serve as backup for other administrative personnel.
Personnel Management / Compliance
• Complete all required trainings.
• Implement strategies to maximize job performance.
• Challenge the status quo and suggest alternatives.
• Develop and use interpersonal skills for self-development and confidence.
• Follow all policies, procedures, and regulations.
• Protect confidential information with integrity.
Informácie o výberovom procese
Only selected applicants will be contacted.
Pracovný režim
Jednozmenný pracovný režim
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
Požadované vzdelanie
- Vysokoškolské vzdelanie prvého stupňa
- Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa
- Vysokoškolské vzdelanie tretieho stupňa
- Anglický - Pokročilá: B1 a B2
Ďalšie požiadavky
• University degree or High School diploma.
• Strong organizational skills and ability to prioritize work.
• Administrative skills/experience required welcome.
• Accuracy, detail-oriented.
• Flexibility, ability to handle time pressures.
• Must be able to work as a team member and independently.
• Self-motivated.
• Effective communication/interpersonal skills.
• Excellent English communication (written and verbal).
• High-end PC skills and word processing/editorial skills.
Microsoft Office 365 - Mierne pokročilý
• Strong organizational skills and ability to prioritize work.
• Administrative skills/experience required welcome.
• Accuracy, detail-oriented.
• Flexibility, ability to handle time pressures.
• Must be able to work as a team member and independently.
• Self-motivated.
• Effective communication/interpersonal skills.
• Excellent English communication (written and verbal).
• High-end PC skills and word processing/editorial skills.
Microsoft Office 365 - Mierne pokročilý
Údaje o zamestnávateľovi
Obchodné meno
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Landererova 12, 81109, Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovensko
Charakteristika spoločnosti
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o. je prestížna a etablovaná personálna spoločnosť s dlhodobou tradíciou na trhu práce. Každý deň sme v kontakte s našimi klientmi i kandidátmi a poskytujeme im služby profesionálnej kvality a úrovne. Objavte spolu s nami pestrý a meniaci sa svet ľudských zdrojov tak, ako to my robíme už dlhú dobu!
Spoločnosť je držiteľ povolenia na sprostredkovanie práce. (1721/2004 -OSS 1/2004 )
Spoločnosť je držiteľ povolenia na sprostredkovanie práce. (1721/2004 -OSS 1/2004 )
Kontaktná osoba
Zuzana Šaňová
E-mail: [email protected]
Súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov
E-mail: [email protected]
Podobné pracovné ponuky
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od 1 600 €
do 1 800 € za mesiac
Aktualizované 6. 2. 2025
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Bratislava, Home office
Pracovný pomer na určitú dobu, Práca na živnosť
od 2 000 €
do 2 650 € za mesiac
Aktualizované dnes
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Okres Trnava, Home office
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
3 000 € za mesiac
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Ďalšie ponuky zamestnávateľa
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Bratislavský kraj, Home office
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
2 000 € za mesiac
Pridané 30. 1. 2025
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Bratislava, Home office
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
od 1 600 €
do 1 800 € za mesiac
Aktualizované 6. 2. 2025
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Okres Trnava, Home office
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
3 000 € za mesiac
Pridané 29. 1. 2025
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Žilinský kraj, Home office
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
2 000 € za mesiac
Pridané 6. 2. 2025
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Bratislavský kraj
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
2 800 € za mesiac
Pridané 13. 2. 2025
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Bratislavský kraj
Pracovný pomer na dobu neurčitú (Trvalý pracovný pomer)
2 200 € za mesiac
Pridané 12. 2. 2025