Stážista, s. r. o.

General Student Application

General Student Application
Miesto výkonu práce
Bratislava, Slovensko
Dátum nástupu
Dátum pridania ponuky
26. 1. 2025 (aktualizácia 27. 1. 2025)
Druh pracovného pomeru
Mzda (v hrubom)
7 € za hodinu
could be negotiated
Počet voľných pracovných miest

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce

Are you looking for the perfect start of your career with a global software company? Then take this opportunity and apply as a student in the area of SAP transformation!

We will provide you with training in areas such as SAP, consulting, ABAP programming. After this training, you will have the most important knowledge and tools to get started with us on our international projects.

Possible positions:

Junior consultants

Junior developers

Administrative work

1. Junior Consultants

Interns in this role can learn:

Consulting Skills: Understanding client needs, preparing proposals, and crafting solutions.

Problem-Solving: Analyzing real-world business challenges and providing actionable insights.

Industry Knowledge: Gaining insights into the specific industry or sector they’re consulting for.

Technical Tools: Using tools like SAP, Excel, or other analytics platforms to solve problems.

Project Management: Learning how to manage client projects, deadlines, and stakeholder communication.

Communication Skills: Developing effective ways to communicate findings to clients and team members.

2. Junior Developers

Interns in this role can learn:

Programming: Enhancing their knowledge of languages like Java, Python, or JavaScript, depending on the role.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): Exposure to agile development processes and best practices.

Debugging and Testing: Writing test cases, debugging code, and ensuring high-quality software.

Collaboration Tools: Working with tools like Git, Jira, or VS Code.

Problem-Solving: Applying algorithms and data structures to practical tasks.

Technical Specializations: Learning about databases, APIs, cloud computing, or other advanced topics.

3. Administrative Work

Interns in this role can learn:

Office Tools: Mastery of tools like Microsoft Office Suite, SharePoint, or Google Workspace.

Time Management: Organizing meetings, scheduling tasks, and handling deadlines.

Communication: Drafting professional emails, preparing reports, and interacting with clients or colleagues.

Event Coordination: Helping organize team events or corporate activities.

Data Management: Handling invoices, contracts, or confidential documents with accuracy.

Problem-Solving: Addressing ad hoc tasks and administrative challenges effectively.

An internship in any of these roles offers the chance to develop technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific knowledge while gaining hands-on experience in a professional setting.

Informácie o výberovom procese

In what language should I send my CV?

Please send your CV in English. It‘s possible that your manager is located in Germany or is not native in Slovak.

What does the interview process look like?

The interview process typically consists of:

A short 15-minute introductory call with the HR department.

A 1-hour interview with the hiring manager and HR.

Depending on the position, a 20-minute call with a colleague from Germany or a department head.

Will there be any assessments or tests as part of the recruitment process?

Yes, for specific positions, we may require candidates to take tests. The types of tests may vary depending on the position.

Pracovné miesto vhodné aj pre

  • Študenta

Ponúkané výhody

Wellbeing budget up to 200€

Education budget

Up to 500€ referral bonus

Possibility of Multisport card

Flexible working time

Home office possibilities

Teambuilding events

Exciting challenges and personal development opportunities

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Požadované vzdelanie

  • Úplné stredné odborné vzdelanie
  • Úplné stredné všeobecné vzdelanie (gymnázium)
  • Vyššie odborné vzdelanie
  • Vysokoškolské vzdelanie prvého stupňa
  • Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa
Odbor: IT


  • Anglický - Pokročilá: B1 a B2

Ďalšie požiadavky

Minimum year of university studies: 2nd year

Field of Study: IT

Foreign languages, level of use: English language (B2) Intermediate

IT skills, level of use: SAP Beginner, ABAP Beginner, MS SQL Beginner, Python Beginner, Oracle Beginner

High IT affinity and interest in innovative technologies

Analytical skills and creative problem solving

Independent, responsible way of working, a high level of Self-motivation, organizational skills and good communication skills

Very good English (German is an advantage)

Completing a degree in the field of business informatics, computer science, engineering or Economics

Údaje o zamestnávateľovi

Obchodné meno

Stážista, s. r. o.




Konventná 7969/6, 811 03, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto, Slovensko

Charakteristika spoločnosti

Stáž je inovatívny kariérny portál pre vysokoškolákov, ktorý spája slovenských študentov, uvedomujúcich si hodnotu odbornej praxe a túžiacich po profesionálnom rozvoji na Slovensku, so zamestnávateľmi, ktorí im poskytujú príležitosť na získanie odborných pracovných skúseností a oceňujú absolventov s praxou. Vytvárame komunitu stážistov – študentov s pracovnými skúsenosťami, pripravených na pracovný trh budúcnosti.

Chceme priradiť pravú hodnotu slovu "stáž" s jej komplexným prínosom pre vysoké školy, študentov a zamestnávateľov v našej spoločnosti. Pre nás stážista nie je brigádnik. Primárny cieľ stážistu je získať pracovné skúsenosti vo svojom odbore, naučiť sa a rozvinúť odborné znalosti a zručnosti v praxi. Veríme, že aj vďaka tomuto projektu bude zo slovenských vysokých škôl vychádzať stále viac "stážistov" a CV slovenského absolventa bez relevantnej praxe sa stane minulosťou.

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