U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.

Senior Data Scientist

Senior Data Scientist
Miesto výkonu práce
U. S. Steel Košice - Hlavná administratívna budova, 16, 044 54 Košice-Šaca, Slovensko
Home office
Dátum nástupu
Dátum pridania ponuky
21. 5. 2024 (aktualizácia 11. 9. 2024)
Druh pracovného pomeru
Pracovný pomer na určitú dobu: 12
Mzda (v hrubom)
3 200 € za mesiac
We are offering base salary depending on seniority level and previous experience of candidate.
In addition to base salary, we provide variable part and other financial benefits.
Competitive salary starting from 3.200 EUR gross, depending on relevant experience.
Počet voľných pracovných miest

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce

U. S. Steel Košice is the largest integrated steel producer in Central Europe delivering steel to customers in industries such as automotive, home appliance manufacturing, construction.

U. S. Steel Košice will welcome a Data Scientist in its ranks to develop scalable Python-based applications that will improve process efficiencies and plant operations in line with the overarching strategic and tactical objectives of the company.


As a Data Scientist in U. S. Steel, you will collaborate with internal business partners to implement data-driven solutions with measurable business value. You will work with other data scientists, software developers and project managers on multiple projects, using mathematics, statistics, and machine learning to retrieve structure and knowledge from raw data. You will work at a cross section of machine learning and analytic processes to develop solutions that will improve efficiency and drive revenue.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Build statistical models for data analysis of manufacturing processes by facilitating automation, performing parameter optimization and machine learning model re-training, including a setup and maintenance of back-end infrastructure to facilitate its ongoing operation on-premises (and potentially on the cloud in the future).
  • Develop and deploy predictive and prescriptive analytic solutions in Python.
  • Develop analytics to address customer needs and opportunities.
  • Process, clean, and verify the integrity of the data used for analysis.
  • Enhance data collection procedures to include information that is relevant for building analytic systems.
  • Perform rapid ad-hoc analysis and present results in a clear manner starting with structured or unstructured datasets.
  • Keep up to date with latest technology trends.

Informácie o výberovom procese


  • University degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related discipline (including Statistics, Data Science, Mathematics, Engineering) with 2-3 years of prior equivalent work experience in data analysis instead of an advanced degree.
  • Proficiency in designing, conducting, and interpreting statistical analyses using common statistical software tools (e.g., R, Python, etc.) and techniques (e.g., regression modeling, survival analysis, machine learning, etc.) with proven / demonstrable experience.
  • Expertise in leveraging statistics, machine learning algorithms, and advanced mathematics to solve engineering problems.
  • Demonstrated skill in the use of one or more analytic, visualization, and data querying software tools or languages.
  • Demonstrated skill in data cleansing, data quality assessment, data visualization and storytelling for stakeholders.
  • Understanding relevant statistical measures such as confidence intervals, significance of error measurements, development and evaluation data sets, etc.


Nice to-have

  • Experience with big-data analysis built upon structured (SQL) and unstructured (data lakes) file systems will be a plus.
  • Industry experience is desirable, but not essential.


Pracovný režim

Pružný pracovný čas

Ponúkané výhody

U. S. Steel is committed to creating rewarding work environments. As an employee, you will have the opportunity to participate in several of our competitive programs, including:


  • A Total Rewards package with competitive salaries and benefits with incentive opportunities for all employees:

• 13th and 14th salary or yearly bonus program,

•  Variable wage payment,.

•  Subsidy for additional pension insurance (The 3rd pension pillar),

•  Up déjeuner payment card for cultural, social events, sports activities, and health needs,

• Award for employees who considerably participate in the results achieved by the


  • A focus on career growth and employee development that will establish not just a job, but a career,
  • Ongoing training and education to enhance your career opportunities,
  • Flexible or modified working time,
  • Work from home,
  • Participation in company activities organized by U. S Steel Košice,
  • Paid time off on significant life occasions,
  • Comprehensive Health Care.

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Požadované vzdelanie

  • Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa

Ďalšie požiadavky

Other requirements

  • Experience working well within deadlines in a team environment as well as independently, think creatively, and solve problems with a strong attention to detail on multiple projects simultaneously utilizing strong organizational, project, process, and time management skills,
  • Motivation to achieve results in a fast-paced environment,
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, including an ability to communicate across business areas and with global teams,
  • Self-starting, fast learner,
  • Upper intermediate (B2) English,
  • Should have a minimum of 3+ years of professional experience in field.

Údaje o zamestnávateľovi

Obchodné meno

U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.




Vstupný areál U. S. Steel 1, 04454, Košice-Šaca, Slovensko

Internetová stránka

Charakteristika spoločnosti

U. S. Steel Košice je najväčší výrobca ocele v strednej Európe. Snažíme sa o trvalé zlepšovanie, a to zodpovedným a etickým spôsobom. Poskytujeme našim zákazníkom a obchodným partnerom vysoko kvalitné produkty a služby pri udržaní efektivity nákladov je integrovaná oceliarska spoločnosť. Výrobný program pozostáva zo širokej škály za tepla a za studena valcovaných výrobkov, ako aj výrobkov s povrchovou úpravou vrátane pozinkovaných, lakoplastovaných, pocínovaných plechov a plechov pre elektrotechnický priemysel. Okrem valcovaných výrobkov U. S. Steel Košice vyrába aj špirálovo zvárané rúry. Spoločnosť sa permanentne zameriava na uspokojovanie potrieb zákazníkov.
Výrobky a procesy sú certifikované mnohými národnými a medzinárodnými certifikačnými spoločnosťami pre dodávku výrobkov do rôznych odvetví, vrátane automobilového priemyslu a tranzitných rozvodov.

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