1 720 - 2200 EUR / mesačná mzda / netto
Údaje o pracovnom mieste
Náplň práce
Overená pracovná ponuka z portálu EURES.
Popis pracovnej ponuky:
Ocean Cruise Ship of MSC Cruises offering worldwide cruises with international passengers, Fleet of 19 state of art ocean cruise vessels.
Destinations: Northern Europe with Norway, Baltic See, UK, Ireland, Iceland. Mediterranean Sea with Italy, Greece, Croatia, Spain, France, Caribbean Islands, North America, Asia with Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Orient with Dubai, UAE.
The International Host provides a personalised customer service, language assistance and translations to guests to enjoy their cruise.
Maintains the highest level of guest satisfaction by welcoming and socialising with guests, contributing to social events during their cruise;
Makes public announcements in the languages required and cooperates with the Program Publisher for the translation of the Daily Program & Daily Specials;
Provides information and proactively offers suggestions and support to our guests;
Cooperates with the Guest Service Department Documenting in case of complaints, collecting all necessary documents when and if required;
Supports the Shore Excursions Department acting as a Tour escort when required;
Hosts and/or participates to various games, quizzes, special events language classes;
Conducts Orientation talks at the beginning (welcome) and end (farewell) of a cruise and Travel talks on the various destinations;
Provides full support to the Cruise Consultant in the promotion of MSC loyalty program.
Doplňujúce informácie:
MSC Cruises is a family-owned and family-run Company headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and It is part of the MSC Group, which encompasses world-leading maritime companies. As a family who has found its fortunes at sea for over 300 years, protecting the oceans and the communities that we visit is a top priority for us. Having embarked on a never-ending journey of continuous improvement, MSC Cruises has integrated environmental stewardship in all aspects of its operations. This commitment lies at the very heart of our business. We employ over 30,000 people worldwide. MSC Cruises is part of the MSC Group, which encompasses world-leading maritime companies.
Informácie o výberovom procese
Ak máte záujem o túto pracovnú pozíciu, kliknite na ikonu „POŠLI ŽIVOTOPIS“, vyplňte požadované informácie a pripojte životopis v anglickom jazyku. Po splnení kritérií bude váš životopis postúpený zamestnávateľovi.
EURES poradca: Ing. Zlatica Pietriková
E-mail: zlatica.pietrikova@upsvr.gov.sk
Telefón: 046/2440299
Ponúkané výhody
- zabezpečené ubytovanie
Zamestnávateľ ponúka:
- Meals included,
- Travel expenses repaid
- Salary: 1 720 – 2 200 €/ netto monthly.
Provided and paid by employer.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
Požadované vzdelanie
- Stredné odborné vzdelanie
- Úplné stredné odborné vzdelanie
- Úplné stredné všeobecné vzdelanie (gymnázium)
- Anglický - Pokročilá: B1 a B2
- Nemecký - Pokročilá: B1 a B2
Ďalšie požiadavky
Ability to communicate fluently in written and oral English plus languages between the European languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and/or Chinese Mandarin, Chinese Cantonese, Japanese, Russian;
High School Graduated;
Previous experience in the hospitality industry, in a customer service working environment, at sea or ashore (min. 1 year);
Working knowledge of Office package;
Ability to establish relationships and to speak in public;
MSC Cruises is the world‘s largest privately-owned cruise company and the number one cruise line in Europe, South America, South Africa and the Gulf. A game-changer in the world of cruises, MSC has built a global reputation as an innovator and has one of the youngest cruise fleets.
Strong problem solving skills;
Enthusiastic team player;
STCW95 certification is compulsory (basic fire fighting, personal survival techniques, elementary first aid, personal security and social responsibility);
A recognised medical certification is also required before starting to work on board.
Požadované vzdelanie:
stredná škola
Jazyk a úroveň ovládania:
• anglický - B2 Samostatný používateľ
• nemecký - B2 Samostatný používateľ
Údaje o zamestnávateľovi
Obchodné meno
Internetová stránka
Charakteristika spoločnosti
EURES poradcovia poskytujú záujemcom o prácu v zahraničí informačné, poradenské a sprostredkovateľské služby. Európskym zamestnávateľom so záujmom o pracovníkov z krajín EÚ/EHP a zo Švajčiarska ponúka sieť EURES profesionálne poradenstvo a pomoc pri nábore.