str. 1Ponuka práce
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment), self-employed
from €1,300
to €2,300 per month
Updated today
TOPRušňovodič s praxou pre celé Slovensko s náborovým príspevkom 4 000€
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€2,380 per month
Updated today
Bratislavský kraj
fixed-term employment
€1,500 per month
Updated today
TOPChyžná s tréningom/ Trainee Stateroom Stewardess - 4*/5* riečne výletné lode v Európe
backup jobs agency, s.r.o.,
Rakúsko, Belgicko, Francúzsko, Nemecko, Maďarsko, Holandsko, Švajčiarsko
fixed-term employment
€2,581 per month
Updated today
Kežmarok, Dolný Kubín, Liptovský Mikuláš - Palúdzka
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €936
to €1,700 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €850
to €2,300 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€3,466.32 per month
Updated today
Bratislavský kraj
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€1,699 per month
Updated today
Bratislava - Dúbravka, Work from home
fixed-term employment
€3,300 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment), part-time employment, agreement for the performance of a work assignment, agreement on temporary employment, agreement on student work
from €1,865
to €2,000 per month
Updated today
Slovensko, Prešovský kraj, Košický kraj, Banskobystrický kraj, Nitriansky kraj, Trenčiansky kraj, Trnavský kraj, Bratislavský kraj, Žilinský kraj, Work from home
€2,200 per month
Updated today
Dolný Kubín
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment), self-employed
from €1,500
to €2,500 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment), self-employed
from €1,500
to €2,500 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€3,260 per month
Updated today
Zvolen - Bučina
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €1,100
to €1,900 per month
Updated today
Zvolen - Bučina
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €1,200
to €1,500 per month
Updated today
Zvolen - Bučina
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €1,300
to €1,900 per month
Updated today
Bratislava - Dúbravka, Work from home
fixed-term employment
€2,700 per month
Updated today
Bratislava, Work from home
fixed-term employment, self-employed
from €2,000
to €2,650 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €1,700
to €1,900 per month
Updated today