str. 1Ponuka práce
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment), self-employed, agreement for the performance of a work assignment
€1,300 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€6 per hour
Updated today
Žilinský kraj
fixed-term employment
€1,500 per month
Updated today
Zvolen, Work from home
self-employed, agreement on temporary employment, agreement on student work
from €1,500
to €5,000 per month
Updated today
Kočín - Lančár - Kočín
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€1,100 per month
Updated today
fixed-term employment
Unstated wage
Updated today
Senica, Martin, Partizánske, Žiar nad Hronom, Trenčín, Žilina, Topoľčany, Skalica, Myjava, Malacky, Trnava, Banská Štiavnica, Banská Bystrica, Work from home
from €1,000
to €1,800 per month
Updated today
Trenčianske Teplice
fixed-term employment
from €946
to €1,134 per month
Updated today
Poprad - Matejovce
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€900 per month
Updated today
Bratislavský kraj
fixed-term employment
€2,380 per month
Updated today
Nové Zámky
fixed-term employment
€2,380 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€1,956 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€1,147.52 per month
Updated today
fixed-term employment
€1,038.20 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€1,000 per month
Updated today
Bratislavský kraj
fixed-term employment
€1,500 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €900
to €1,100 per month
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
€6.99 per hour
Updated today
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
Unstated wage
Added 11 Feb 2025
Employment contract for an indefinite period (Permanent employment)
from €850
to €2,300 per month
Updated today